This update – the 76th of its kind – contains a consolidated overview of the South African supply chain and the current state of international trade. Newly reported COVID-19 infections averaged approximately 2 220 per day (↓10% from last week’s average of 2 459) this week. In total, South Africa has now recorded 3,67 million[1] cases, with 99 018 (up by 1 063) regrettably succumbing to the virus. Globally, the case tally now stands at 432 million infected by COVID-19, with 5,93 million deaths recorded. Around 10,6 billion vaccine doses have been administered globally[2], with the South African tally at 31,3 million.
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[1] Johns Hopkins, Coronavirus Resource Centre. Coronavirus JJHU.
[2] Our World in Data, Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccinations. Our World in Data
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