PUBLISHER: South African Revenue Service (
The Tariff Amendments are made in terms of the Customs and Excise Act, 1964 by Notice in the Gazette.
Amendment to Part 1 of Schedule No. 1, by the insertion of tariff subheading 3926.90.89 to reduce the general rate of customs duty on stemming plugs for mining and civil blast holes from 20% to free of duty (ITAC Report 665). Notice R.5128
Amendment to Part 1 of Schedule No. 1, by the substitution of tariff subheading 8708.22 and the insertion of tariff subheadings 8708.22.10 and 8708.22.90 in order to increase the general rate of customs duty on front windscreens (windshields) from 20% to 30% (ITAC Report 712). Notice R.5129
Amendment to Part 1 of Schedule No. 3, by the deletion and insertion of various rebate items under rebate item 316.17 to exclude the importation, under rebate, of other electric conductors for a voltage not exceeding 1000 V, fitted with connectors, classifiable under tariff subheading 8544.42 (ITAC Report 727). Notice R.5130
Amendment to Part 1 of Schedule No. 1, by the substitution of tariff subheadings 7215.10, 7215.50 and 7228.50 to increase the rate of customs duty on certain bars and rods of steel, whether or not alloyed, not further worked than cold-formed or cold-finished from free of duty to 10% (ITAC Report 658). Notice R.5131