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Citrus fruits are one of the most important export products for the South African economy. The South African Citrus Growers Association (CGA) estimates that the country exported 158.7 million cartons of oranges in 2021, making it the biggest revenue earner in Africa from orange exports. The European Union (EU) is one of the main destination markets for South African citrus fruits, making up 40% of South African orange exports and 27% of its soft citrus exports.

On 21 June 2022, the EU published a new cold treatment regulation for the importation of the fruits of Citrus sinensis Pers. (oranges/sweet oranges) from South Africa and various other countries, based on its right to protect it territory from a phytosanitary pest commonly known as false codling moth (FCM). The Regulation entered into force on 24 June 2022, and it applies as from 14 July 2022.

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